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How much does it cost?

$150 per month?


What is covered?

Same-day or next-day access to a physician, all visits, all calls and emails, all in-office procedures, including EKGs.


What is NOT covered?

Hospital services, lab tests, radiology tests, and other health-care services.


Can I check out the clinic?

Yes, call (541) 999-6599 and drop in Mon—Fri, 10:00 – 12:00 for more information. Siuslaw Medical Clinic is at 1845 Highway 126, Park Place, entrance off of Quince (behind Central Lincoln Electric).


If I am unhappy, can I quit?

Yes, at any time after the first 3 months.


Do you cover children?

No, Dr. Egar’s training is Internal Medicine --- non-surgical diseases of adults.


Is there a discount for families?



Is there any other discount?



Can I use my health insurance?

Siuslaw Medical Clinic recommends you have health insurance, for hospital and other expenses. However, Siuslaw Medical Clinic does not bill any health insurance.


Are there additional fees?

No – no co-pays, no deductibles, no caps.


How many patients will you be accepting?

Dr. Egar is limiting the practice to 300 patients, to be certain that patients have timely and sufficient access.



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