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Direct Primary Care

Siuslaw Medical Clinic provides a wide variety of convenient and critical medical services as a direct primary care clinic. All physicians are certified and deeply committed to providing personal and efficient health care services to their members without the burden  of corporate fee-for-service restrictions. 


Why Direct-Pay?

Why would someone pay a monthly fee for care at a direct-pay (also called “retainer-based” or “concierge”) clinic?

  • They prefer quick and easy access to a personal physician who knows them and has the full expertise of an internal-medicine specialist.

  • They dislike waiting months for new-patient appointments and for subsequent as-needed appointments.

  • They like the flexibility of visits that allow the physician to take whatever time is needed – visits that are not cut-off by corporate schedulers.

  • They resent barriers to access to their physician, whether these barriers are from insurance denials, government restrictions, or corporate administrators.


Why Siuslaw Medical Clinic?

What is missing from typical fee-for-service health care at corporate clinics?

  • Focus on the WHOLE medical situation, all current problems, and all medications, rather than just 1 or 2 issues per visit

  • Assessment of patient preferences, rather than rigid guidelines

  • Comparison of drug prices and efficacy

  • Estimating the expected value of a test or treatment for the individual patient

  • Decision analysis for TOUGH (expensive or high-risk) decisions

  • Assessment of the patient’s individualized risk profile

  • Incorporation of home data, including automated blood-pressure cuff recordings, glucometer measures, coagulation (“INR”) measures

  • Coordination of care with other physicians and specialists

  • Clarification of the medical record, including exact medications details, history, etc.

    These are the extra services that Siuslaw Medical Clinic can provide as a direct primary care clinic.

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